DoFollow Update!

I have reviewed all blog add requests to DoFollow Blogs . From about 30 requests, only 10 were nofollow free. If I missed some, please resubmit.

Important before submiting a blog! Verify that your blog comments don’t have rel=”nofollow” in the comment link. You can do it fast with FireFox NoDoFollow.

I’ve also updated the PageRank of the bogs according to the Google 1st April 2009 PageRank update.

10 thoughts on “DoFollow Update!”

  1. dofollow means having the nofollow link in the comments, but in the blogroll list, too? Or just in the commentaries.

    Thank you!

  2. Si eu m-am tepuit cu nofollow. Am aflat recent despre el, desi ma miram ca m-am inscris in multe directoare de linkuri si pagerank tot mic a ramas..:(

  3. Firefox are un plugin SEO for Firefox 3.1.3., care iti permite sa vezi link-urile nofollow (le marcheaza cu rosu).

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