Share your favorite websites with friends

public-visibleYou are now able to set websites visible to your public profile (example of demo user) and share it with your friends. Maybe they find something interesting you like and they can save it to their account too.

I plan to extend this to add profiles to friends and browse them so maybe you can find interesting websites from your network.

How useful do you find his feature and what else do you think it is needed ?

P.S. Don’t forget to share your profile with your friends.

Desteptu’ – concursuri pentru bloggeri

DesteptuAzi am lansat un site nou Desteptu’, dedicat bloggerilor.

Intentia mea este sa pot anunta bloggerii prin RSS sau EMAIL despre concursurile pentru bloggeri (de scris despre un anumit produs si poti castiga premiul cel mare).

Daca esti blogger, poti sa incerci sa te inscrii, inca adun lista sa vedem cati sunt interesati. Daca nu vrei sa te inscrii, da de veste 🙂

Browsers accesskey shortcuts

The HTML attribute accesskey of the a tag allows you to access with your keywords various links on the website.

The problem is that each browser has it’s own version of using the accesskey:

  • Opera (on windows and mac) – SHIFT + ESC + accesskey
  • Other Mac browsers – CTRL + accesskey
  • FireFox 2.x and 3.x – ALT + SHIFT + accesskey
  • Internet Explorer (5.x,6.x,7.x) – ALT + accesskey then ENTER

Browsers accesskey shortcuts

For fav 2.0 I added for the first 9 sites accesskey from 1 – 9. You can sort the sites as you wish to drag & drop the first 9.