Program creativ doar pentru tinerii care au curaj #Iasi

Daca as mai avea timp de inca un proiect, m-as inscrie neaparat pana pe 15 aprilie 2012 la Atelierul Produselor Creative

Este o ocazie pe care tinerii cu initiativa si idei nu trebuie sa o rateze. Sa urmezi 4 zile de workshop, sa primesti feedback de la lideri din industria online: Marius Ursache, Andrei Rosca, Cristian Manafu si Emanuel Martonca –  pe o idee de afaceri care sa o poti pune in practica impreuna cu o echipa, e o experienta din care vei invata si o vei putea folosi pe viitor in viata ta profesionala.

Echipa ideala pe care o vad eu: programator, designer, comunicare/marketing si eventual project manager

Exprimati-va dorinta aici pe blog, poate se formeaza o echipa. Poate pot intra si eu in rolul de PM 🙂









CSS3 Warrior

SitePoint is a site that I follow for many years now. They have great articles and books about Web Development.

I love web development so I constantly read websites related to Front-End (HTML/CSS/Javascript-JQuery),Back-End (PHP/MySQL) and WordPress + Frameworks.

I have just taken their CSS Quiz and obtained the CSS3 Warrior status (Perfect score).





TEDx Iasi 2011

TEDx Iasi – 09 Iulie 2011
(live blogging)

Marius Ursache (
– Calendar “365 de zile in Iasi” – are nevoie de ajutorul nostru: ce putem face in Iasi?
– Perm (Rusia) – oamenii rosii;
– Maroc – bolovanii pictati au transformat un sat intr-un punct turistic;
– idei: tramvaie pictate (cultura), Palatul Culturii sa gazduiasca gratuit Centrele Culturale din Iasi etc.;
– “Valoarea ideilor sta in oamenii care vor sa le implementeze”.

Dr. Iulian Zonenstain (Arcadia Hospital)
– Toti ne dorim binele in jurul nostru – il asteptam din exterior:  “Sa cream o lume de oameni transformati in bine”;
– Transforma-te pentru a putea convinge pe ceilalti;
– Gandhi: Copilului cu diabet nu avea voie sa manance dulciuri, dar manca. Gandhi a stat o saptamana fara sa manance dulciuri ca sa inteleaga prin ce trece copilul si sa ii poata spuna sa nu mai manance;
– A angajat o persoana care s-a autoevaluat la interviu ca pesimista. Aceasta s-a transformat si a devenit cea mai buna din echipa;
– Povestile de intelepciune pentru copii.

Carmen Avram (corespondent stiri externe)
– jurnalistii tineri vin cu asteptari mari, dar nu gasesc sprijin;
– a vrut sa iasa din presa si sa plece din tara, dar a zis sa mai incerce o data -> Antena 3, 20 de oameni: “Oamenii ultimei sanse”;
– reportaje cu buget redus: improvizatii cu masinutele copiilor
– la doua luni de la lansarea emisiunii “In premiera cu Carmen Avram” – premiu APPR, apoi au primit cereri de reportaje pentru un concurs de jurnalism de la Londra

Liviu Smantanica (papusar)
– teatru nu da raspunsuri, doar incita;
– recita din  Omar Khayyám;
– prioritatile in viata: Un borcan umplut cu mingi de tenis de masa, mazare, nisip si apa;
– recita La Cornul Caprii – Marin Sorescu;
– “ramaneti tineri mereu”;
– recita “Antologia poeziei romanesti” 🙂

Proiectare Jamie Oliver: “Teach every child about food”

Dana Tudor (Cariere)
–  …
– …
– …

… si am plecat la pauza

Per total a fost ok.

About me: Playing basketball, football, table tenis

When I get the chance, I go out and play basketball, football or table tenis. Even if I spend most of my time in front of the computer, I am not that fat (86 kg, 1.89 m), because I always try to make some exercise. I usualy go once a week at football and once a week at basketball.

Long story short, I am good at basketball, I suck at fooball, but I run a lot on both.

This weekend, thanks to Dechatlon and (sponsors), I will play basketball and football to a blogging competition #blogolympics. There will be 4 basketball teams and 4 football teams.

On 10th July 2011, if you are arround, come and see us playing! I will be playing for ECHIPA CASTIGATOARE.

Other sponsors: Era Shopping Park, Alila, Silhouette, Laser Combat si Icar Tour.

On 16th and 17th July I may attend Carefour Era Streetball tournament, if I find a team.

6:00 am in Sofia, Bulgaria

Thanks to I won a VIP ticket to #webit in Sofia, Bulgaria.

After driving to Bucharest from Iasi, I made it just in time to take an old russian wagon+train to Sofia. 10 hours in the train and no sleep at all, I arrived at 6:00 am … now what?

Sofia Bulgaria

Old looking train station, full of iron ornaments. Some taxi drivers wants to be my friend to drive me to where I want, no thanks.

The exchange rate in the train station was 1.8 lev / 1 euro, in the city 1.95 lev / 1 euro. I took the money out from my credit card.

I had to go to NDK for the conference, but it was starting only at 8:00. I bought a 5 lev map of Sofia, looked for 2 minutes and then started walking. Too bad all the street signs were in cyrillic, but path was quite easy.

At 6:00 am everything was closed. I walked for about 1 hour untill I got there, roads beeing under construction.

I saw Bruce Willis being Sobieski in a votka ad, some night clubs (closed at 6:00) and a lot of people walking their dogs near the national park. A woman was shouting “Zorro! zorro!” and a small harry dog came out of the bushes 🙂

At 7:00 am I went to a bar to grab a hot chocolate, 5 minutes later over 10 cops went in, pull three tables and sit to drink coffee … nice team building in the morning.

8:00 am, #webit gates opened and I registered as VIP visitor. Dragging a heavy bag, a backpack and not wearing a suite, webit staff kept stopping me to enter the VIP areas. After showing the VIP badge to a lot of the staff members, they stopped “harrasing” me.