Avira – FREE antivirus

Well, it is clearly I like Carlsberg, but no really, Avira is the best FREE antivirus I used untill now.

I highly recommend it to anyone.
So if you need an antivirus that uses few computer resources and it is free (updates are free too) download it.

If you already have it, version 9.0 is available for upgrade.

10 thoughts on “Avira – FREE antivirus”

  1. Nice but I would not use it because I do not trust something that is new. I use kaspersky antivirus and it is good so far, didn’t had any problems.

  2. You are right is the best FREE antivirus in the world. The word FREE should be highlighted because confusions may occur.

  3. The best free antivirus is one of the worst antivirus programs out there.

    Not only it is unable to detect small threats, but it detects some services as trojans.

    Not usable at all.

  4. You should know that Avira is FREE for Personal Use only. Don’t let the readers understand that in their company, the FREE AVIRA is also legal. It’s not!

  5. Este free ,deci reportul la noii virusi se fac de catre userii de FREE..dar este cel mai bun din cate am folosit pana acum,am avut licenta pe NOD si mi-am blestemat zilele. Unele hibe le mai are si Avira dar nici un antivirus nu e perfect,mai ales ca nu iti cere nimeni bani pe el,deci ce este FREE nu trebuie criticat atata timp cat altii si-au batut capul sa il faca si tu il folosesti “mocca”.. Corect?

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